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Importance of Diwali

Importance of Diwali
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Diwali is about to come and Indians all over the world including India are busy preparing for Diwali. This year Diwali will be celebrated on 12th Nov Let us know the importance of Diwali in the words of Gurudev -

Importance of Diwali
The festival of Diwali is important for all sections of people. It is considered the biggest festival of Hindu religion. Being the biggest festival, everyone's faith is attached to this festival. This festival contains many types of significance within itself –

Spiritual importance –
Diwali festival is made up of many religious, historical and mythological stories. The foundation of this festival is based on goodness, hence whenever this festival comes, there is a different happiness and faith among all the people. The festival of Diwali is also celebrated with great pomp by religions like Hindu, Jain, Sikh etc.

good over evil. The festival of Diwali is associated with worship and goodness, hence people move towards spirituality on this festival and this gives rise to good thoughts.
Today is the festival of lights. Diwali means festival of lights. Each of you is a light in your own right. This festival is celebrated all over India, Nepal, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Mauritius, Suriname, Trinidad and South Africa. During Diwali we forget all the sorrows of the past. Whatever is filled in your mind, you burst crackers and forget everything. Like firecrackers, the past also goes away, everything gets burnt and the mind becomes new. This is Diwali.
has to be happy and lit. Everyone has to be happy and intelligent. The light of wisdom has been lit. Considering light as a symbol of knowledge, we illuminate the form of knowledge and celebrate today. What do you say?

Diwali is the festival of ending darkness of ignorance with light of knowledge. Come!

The festival of Diwali falls on the new moon day of Kartik month, 21 days after Dussehra, between September and October.   Due to which a season of happiness is created all around.


Let the past go, forget it

Let go of the past, forget it. Celebrate life wisely. One cannot truly celebrate without wisdom. Wisdom is knowing that God is with me. Look at all the wealth we all have today. Remember that you have many possessions and feel fulfilled.

The ancient methods is to place all the gold and silver coins and in front of you, then the place all your wealth in front and say, "Look God has given me so much. I am very grateful." . Feel its abundance. Then you will know that you have been given much.

The wealth is within us

There are 27 nations in Europe. We will light one lamp for every nation. Then we will meditate for some time. When we meditate we thank the Universal Spirit for our abundance. We also pray for more so that we can serve more. Gold and silver are only an external symbol. The wealth is within us. There is so much love, peace and joy within. When you move forward by connecting with God, there is no greater wealth than this. When the wave remembers that it is connected to the ocean and is part of the ocean, it gains immense power.

This Diwali message was given by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Diwali is the festival of ending darkness of ignorance with light of knowledge. Come!

Preface The festival of Diwali is celebrated not only in our country but also in foreign countries, from this its importance can be ascertained. On this day, despite the dark night of Amavasya, the whole of India is illuminated with light.

Social importance –
The social importance of the festival of Diwali is also very big because on this festival people of all religions celebrate the festival together. Everyone worships on this day. They go to meet each other which creates social harmony. In today's busy life, people rarely get the opportunity to meet each other, hence on this day people meet each other affectionately and share sweets with each other and hug each other, which makes people feel better about each other. Interest arises in understanding emotions and religions. Therefore the social importance of this festival increases even more.

Economic importance –

Everyone takes gifts, gold and silver jewellery, utensils, ration items, clothes, sweets etc. to their homes. People of Hindu religion believe that by shopping on this day, there is no shortage of any item in the house and by shopping on this day, that item remains fruitful, hence there is more activity and more purchases in the markets on this day. Due to which people's income increases are ready a few days before the festival. So the farmer earns income by harvesting this crop and selling it in the markets.

historical significance -
Many historical events have happened on this day of Diwali festival. Due to which the importance of this festival increases a lot.Both the birth and death of Swami Ramtirtha took place on the day of Diwali. Arya Samaj was established on the auspicious occasion of Diwali.On the day of Diwali, the sixth Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Hargobind Singh Ji was released from jail. Mahavir Swami attained salvation on this day.

About the Author

RAKESH KUMAR +917677721914 Email Id: OBJECTIVE To work with an organization where can learn new skills and increase my abilities for the organization goals as well as myself. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Pursuing 1st …

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