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INDIA - Climate IMPACT OF CLIMATE Climate is one of the most fundamental elements of ou…

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Importance of Diwali

Diwali is about to come and Indians all over the world including India are busy preparing for Diwali. This year Diwali will be celebrated on 12th N…

15 Years Of Virat Kohli:

Why is Virat Virat? 15 Years Of Virat Kohli: 15 records of Virat Kohli, which are impossible for any single player to brea…

How the earth was made?

The origin of the Earth has remained a mystery for billions of years.  Now, in a recent incident, there are indications of this mystery being expos…

12th Fail

12th Fail   Directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra Written by Vidhu Vinod Chopra Story by Anurag Pathak Based on Twelfth Fail (novel) by Anurag Pathak Pr…

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